Wilmot's Warehouse
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS
Wilmot's Warehouse is a puzzle game about keeping a warehouse running in tip-top shape. You play as Wilmot, a hard working warehouse employee tasked with pushing, sorting and stacking a variety of products. Over time more and more truckloads of these products will arrive, gradually filling up the warehouse. How you arrange them all is entirely up to you - organize by color, type, the Dewey Decimal System, or some wild format that only you understand - it’s all good! Just remember where you put everything, because when the service hatch opens, you'll need to find the things people want quickly, in order to earn the coveted Performance Stars required for all manner of labor-saving upgrades.
- Unique relaxing gameplay.
- 500 possible products to stock.
- All manner of upgrades and perks.
- Splitscreen 2 player co-op: Work in tandem to organize the warehouse with a friend.
- Customise your game with Expert Mode for an extra challenge.
- Sublime electronic music to listen to while you decide whether wellington boots belong in the footwear section, or with the umbrellas.
Please note that 2 player co-op mode requires at least one gamepad.
Soundtrack by Eli Rainsberry Available Here
In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $14.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:
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Hi, love this game. Is there a way to update the copy I downloaded from humble trove (when I was a subscriber)?
Really really great!! I have played through two whole warehouses!
I do have some suggestions though, since the challenge modes seem too basic:
These would make the game so much more layered and interesting!! Thank you for considering them, and I'd love to hear what you think!
Not really sure where to post this but I was playing this on the Switch and came across the upgrade screen and started choosing some and noticed I couldn't pick the middle option with a controller. I'm not sure if I could have used the touch screen but I didn't think to try that.

Transe Palette
Wilmot est un petit cube dur à la tâche. Nouvelle recrue de A5-Logistics, il réceptionne les livraisons avec le sourire, trie et range les produits dans l’immense surface vide. Petit à petit, comme les allées de cette grande réserve, son cerveau se remplit d’informations cruciales. Les croquettes sont au fond à droite après le pilier, avec les gamelles. Les fruits et légumes sont rassemblés à gauche du quai de chargement, dans l’ordre : radis, pommes, pastèques. Quelle belle première matinée !
Une fois le rangement (chronométré) terminé, il est temps de donner aux collègues les produits que réclament nos chers et estimés clients ! Pour acheminer tous les merveilleux articles au comptoir, il faut bien moins que les 2 minutes réglementaires. Wilmot a terminé sa première livraison bien avant le délai. Il sonne avidement la cloche et gagne 5 étoiles d’efficacité ! Ces précieux bons points lui permettent d'acheter différentes upgrades. Il choisit d’investir dans plus de muscle. Maintenant, il peut porter non pas 6, mais 8 colis à la fois.
John “Fen” Wick.
Toutes ces petites icônes acidulées font le bonheur de Wilmot. Comme il est grisant de les emboîter, les tourner, les agencer de la manière la plus logique. Et puis la fierté surtout, de pouvoir livrer notre très aimable clientèle rapidement, grâce au seul pouvoir d’un cerveau rigoureux. A la fin de chaque cycle de livraison (déchargement - rangement - livraison aux collègues), le catalogue de Wilmot s’enrichit de 4 nouvelles références. Des bougies, des canifs, des champignons, des médicaments…
Et puis un jour, Wilmot perd pied. 30 produits différents dont il il faut retenir l’emplacement, ranger et livrer avec les mêmes limites. 40. 50. Vient le premier échec de livraison et le premier avertissement du patron, naguère si gentil. Wilmot stresse. Il s’efforce de ranger ses palettes, mais bientôt l’encombrement de la réserve rend la manutention infernale. Wilmot continue de sourire, mais de l’autre côté de l’écran la frustration gagne. Il voudrait réaliser ces objectifs innategnables, coller au credo d’excellence de l’entreprise. Le client veut tout, tout de suite ! LE CLIENT EST ROI ! Mais Wilmot n’est qu’un homme. Alors, dans l’attente d’une fatidique lettre de licenciement, il souffre. Comme un vrai salarié d’Amazon.
Wilmot’s Warehouse fait jubiler le magasinier en nous. Le jeu alterne les phases de rangement pures (par des plages non-chronométrées) avec un challenge qui grandit jusqu’au burn-out. L’effondrement logistique et mental est inévitable, mais on se prend suffisamment longtemps pour le prince du Fenwick en améliorant les capacités de Wilmot, et notre propre sens de l’ordre. Si vous êtes chef de rayon, vous pouvez faire compter votre temps de jeu en heures supplémentaires.https://lagazettedugame.com/2019/10/05/wilmots-warehouse/
Beautifully written! Merci!
Is this the same version as the one on Steam?
I bought it here and it appears to be the same as Steam as it has the updated features that are not in the humble monthly version. The Itch page here also states it was updated a couple days ago.
Hello. I got scammed by humble monthly and lost 12 dollars because I only paid for one month and subscribed a few minutes before the games were released so I lost access to the trove. Is there anyway I could have a copy of the game
Have you tried asking the humble store's support? They'd probably fix that for you.
They refused to help in anyway.
What the heck does the bot do? It seems like sometimes it moves blocks so they're next to other blocks of the same type, but most of the time it just beeps and does nothing.
is there going to be a demo in the future?
Bought it on Switch, I love it so much. Fantastic co-op experience!
I just started playing and already I'm completely in love. Charming, relaxing, a touch addictive, super well crafted. Glad I could buy it on Itch so more money goes to the crew!
Woah it looks amazing! Im sorry that i can't support you.
What a lovely trailer! And the game is so pleasing to watch :) Will be picking this up on Switch probs. Good luck on the launch!
Please a macOs version ;)
Wilmot's will support macOS at launch, no worries!
Will this be available on Linux? I'd love to get it!
I'd also love a Linux version.
We are not planning to add any support for Linux at this time, apologies! If anything changes we will post here though!
Thank you for replying at least. Best of luck !
Aww, just came to ask the same thing after itch promoted this to the front page :(
That's a shame - I too would love a Linux version. Looks like there's quite the demand here!
In case anyone is wondering whether it works on Linux without a dedicated executable, I didn't run into any problems with just plain playonlinux on a years old laptop. Didn't test co-op though.
Looks fantastic! I'm glad this didn't slip by my radar. Do itchio purchasers get a Steam key as well?
We are not planning to add Steam keys to the itch.io purchases at this time, apologies! If anything changes we will post here though!
oh, I've been looking forward to this one!
me too
Looks interesting, will be sure to give it a look.